Immersive Reader in Microsoft 365

Immersive Reader is a powerful reading support tool built into many Microsoft programs, including Word, PowerPoint, OneNote, Teams and Edge. The tool provides a set of features that support reading that are particularly useful for people with literacy difficulties. Best of all, it’s bundled with 365 for free!

The features available within Immersive Reader varies between programs, and you can see them on the Microsoft Immersive Reader webpage. They generally fall into:

  • Text-to-Speech. The natural reading voices really are very good.
  • Coloured themes.
  • Different fonts, text sizes and spacing for text.
  • Line focus.
  • Picture support.

Turn on Immersive Reader

Click on “View” and then “Immersive Reader”

Access text preferences

Try the different text preferences.

  • Text size – between 14 and 96 point.
  • Increase spacing – between letters, words and lines of text
  • Font – choose between Calibri, Sitka and Comic Sans
  • Themes – change the background colour. Many learners find black on white text challenging.

Grammar options

And the grammar options…

  • Syllables – break words into syllables to aid decoding.
  • Parts of Speech  – colour and/or label nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

Reading Preferences

  • Line Focus – You can highlight one, three of five lines of text. You can move the highlight up or down using the arrow keys on the keyboard.
  • Picture Dictionary – Use Boardmaker symbols when a word is clicked on. Also listen to any word in isolation.
  • Translate – Translate text into one of 100 languages.

As mentioned – Immersive Reader is available in all the office apps. It’s also within the Edge browser on websites that have enabled it. Look out for the Immersive Reader icon in the right-hand side of the address bar.


Easier editing with text to speech

I was recently asked by a sixth form student about text to speech, she wanted to have her coursework and essays read to her as she found this an easier way to make sure it all made sense than reading it back. I know what she  means, often when we read back our work we see it as we meant it to be rather than as it is, and fail to notice errors – particularly when it is on a screen rather than on paper.

As she and I were talking I realised how many ways there are to get text from a screen read aloud, and, actually, how easy it is.

For a start, all operating systems have a screenreader built in. InWindows this is ‘Narrator’ and it can be turned on and off by pressing Ctrl + Windows Key + Enter. On Macs, and iPads, they have ‘Voiceover’ which can be found in the Settings of the  device. These are designed for users with visual impairments, so will often read the entire screen, starting from the top with the document title in word-processors, such as MSWord, or the URL on a  webpage, which can be a bit disconcerting. They will also describe each action, such as opening a dialogue box, or clicking on formatting. It is more information than most users need, which is why it is often better to use an add-on or plug-in with a more limited purpose.

Last summer Microsoft added reading functionality to MSWord. If you have the most up-to-date version installed this will appear as a ‘Read Aloud’ button under the  Review menu in the ribbon. But even if you are not completely up to date you can add a ‘Speak’ plug in. From the  File menu choose Options, then Customize Ribbon and change ‘Popular Commands’ to ‘All Commands’ in the left hand  drop down menu. Find ‘Speak’ and choose to add it to the ribbon. (You may be asked to create a group to make this possible. This will appear as a folder in the right hand list, which you can select.)

They are both straightforward to operate by putting the cursor  at a point in the text, or highlighting some, then clicking the button in the toolbar.

In the online version of MSWord, in Office 365 a similar functionality can be found under the Immersive Reader button. This has a few more functions than simply reading aloud. (You can find out more about Immersive Reader here.)


Another option is to install a bespoke program that will read anything on the screen, usually a toolbar that sits on top of all open windows, such as WordqSpeakq or Read and Write Gold. Both of these offer support for writing as well, with predictors and speech to text available, too. They work well and offer flexibility in that they are always available, no matter what you are working on, whether it is an essay, a presentation or even an email. Although if you only want a screenreader they can be an expensive choice.

If what you are after is improved accessibility when online then there are add ons available for the browser. Like many people I use Chrome most of the time, and I have found the Read&Write plug-in very useful. It is turned on and off with a click in the browser bar, which opens a set of controls, including play/pause and skip forward or backward. 


You could also opt for ReadAloud which copies the text into a separate box on screen so you can focus on the section you want read.

Overall there are lots of choices, all of which can make revising and editing text easier and more accurate. What’s not to like?

Immersive Reader in Office 365

What is it?

During 2018 Microsoft brought out a few changes to both their online product, Office 365, and updated their installed version, MSOffice. Both now have a ‘Dictate’ function, that can operate in several different languages. They also introduced a ‘Read’ function, which, in the installed version is  a button on the toolbar.

However, the most exciting development was the introduction of the ‘Immersive Reader.’ This is available in both versions, however, I think it works best in the online product, so that’s the one I shall focus on here.

It is a tool to aid reading, and to analyse the make up of a text, through a number of easy to use functions. These include text to speech, changing the colour scheme, widening the space between letters, breaking the words into phonemes, and an on-screen ruler to isolate particular lines. There is also a function to highlight different parts of speech – nouns, verbs, adjectives, and adverbs – to focus on them.

Who is it for?

It could be used by both teachers and students. When teaching from the board teachers can use it to make points about grammar, or to focus on spellings.

For pupils it offers ways to customize the text to make it easier to read, or to have it read to them, as well as helping them to make sense of it.

How do I use it?

Using it is fairly straight forward. Opening, or creating, a document in Office 365 puts the Immersive Reader option into the ribbon at the top of the screen. Clicking on this changes the appearance of the screen, taking away the usual toolbar and providing only the Immersive Reader tools, with a ‘Play’ button at the bottom of the screen, and the other options sitting at the side. Operation is simply a matter of clicking them on and off.

For instance, the Text Preferences button allows for enlarging the font, changing it to something that may be easier to read, increasing the spacing, and changing the colour scheme, to high contrast, perhaps, or to a blue background.

The Grammar Options are where you can highlight different elements of the text, and break it down into syllables, and the Reading Options provide the on-screen ruler, in three sizes. There is also an option to link to a Picture Dictionary (using Boardmaker PCS symbols) where hovering over a word brings up an image to illustrate it.

What else is there?

You can probably find a way to provide  all of these functions in other ways. For instance, there are free on-screen rulers that allow you to provide a line focus. Or you can download overlays to change the colour of a screen, and there are now a number of screen readers, several of them free, to use as add-ons in your browser – such as Googlevox.

You could also put a text on a white board and use coloured pens to pick out the  different elements of grammar. Or even load a document in MSWord then use the highlighter tool, in various colours, to provide the same sort of analysis.

What’s useful here, though, is that all these tools are available together,  in a very commonly used product. They are easy to find, simple to use, and serve a very useful purpose, either for accessing the text, or for understanding it better.