Ways in Which ICT Can Support Person-Centred Annual Reviews


ICT and Annual Reviews

Many schools are now using Person Centred Annual reviews with their pupils. ICT can help to give the pupil or young person with SEND a voice. Children will want to and have the opportunity to demonstrate how things have been going for them in school over the year. Short films, voice recordings and photographs help to record events that have past, demonstrate progression over a period and showcase school life to others, like parents and EPs,  who will be at the meeting.

This is a few thoughts about how films, photos etc can be presented for the person-centred annual review.

Making books (to print out): You could use Clicker 7, Powerpoint, Word  to make books that you can print out. Make a minibook with 2Simple’s 2CreateAStory.

Making online books:Use Book Creator on iPad, Story Creator and various comic strip tools

Presentations and videos:UsePowerpoint or Prezi,  Our Story (from Open University), iMovie or Movie Maker. Try Adobe Spark Video.

Using Apps: Book Creator is my favourite, but you can also use Our Story, Comic Book!, My Story. Shadow Puppet.