The Bett Show is back at Excel from 23rd to 26th January, as big and as daunting as ever when it comes to finding what you want. The organisers have created an app to help you get organised which you can find here . But to help you get started I’ve had a trawl through the exhibitors and to identify a few that might help develop inclusive practice in schools.
If you want to see where technology can take us then some of the stands have examples of how it can provide multi-sensory experiences that would be difficult to create through other means. Immersive interactive (Stand H 361 build multi-sensory environments with all round projection, surround sound and interactive floors and walls. Whereas a more personal, all-encompassing environment is provided by Avantis with their ClassVR system (Stand C205 . You might also want to look at iSandbox (Stand F86 with their promise of a system involving both real sand and virtual reality. Whilst there remain questions over how far VR suppliers have thought about the actual needs of learners with SEND, the potential should be great.
Something else which so far has showed greater promise in the potential than in the practice is artificial-intellingence (AI). Century (Stand E192 are offering a learning platform that, ‘uses learning science, artificial intelligence and neuroscience, to create constantly adapting pathways for students.’ Although it may be too much to hope that this extends to SEND.
Another futuristic offering comes from Connect Training (Stand A20 who provide real-time avatars to practise difficult conversations in a safe environment. These are intended to help improve performance in everyday job roles. I’m not sure whether this extends to teaching.
Avatars are also the basis for Mind Rocket’s approach (Stand 254, only here they are used to teach sign language. It is a product developed in Jordan, so it may have a regional accent, but it could be helpful for children and young people, and the adults around them, to learn these skills.
We will also want to keep a record of what has been learnt in school, to provide evidence and to monitor progress. Both Bsquared (Stand C134 ) and Tapestry (Stand F62 ) will be present, and talking about how their products support a post-Rochford approach to assessment.
You might also want resources to help them make progress in the subjects you are monitoring. In numeracy DoodleMaths (Stand E100 continues to grow in popularity, particularly for use on tablets and touchscreens, whereas Numberfit (Stand G188 eschews such a sedentary approach for one with lots of movement and activity. Also present will be Jellyjames (Stand A400 with their Dynamo Maths, specifically targeted at pupils with dyscalculia.
In the field of literacy a couple of stalwarts will be present, including Crick (POD1 creators of the ever useful Clicker range of products, and Texthelp (Stand C141 with their add on toolbar of resources to support literacy, including dictation, prediction and a screen-reader.
More specific support is on offer for both reading and spelling. For the former Yap (Stand C40 is offering voice controlled books to help develop reading skills, whilst Lexplore (Stand B303 ) uses eye tracking to ‘to quickly and objectively determine a child’s exact reading attainment.’ Which sounds like a novel approach. It will be interesting to see how that copes with reading comprehension.
For spelling both The Spelling Shed (Stand FS141 and Magic Spell (Stand FS33 promise fun ways to learn spellings whilst allowing adults to control the focus of the work.
And if science is what you are after then the Wellcome Trust’s Explorify Science (Stand G306 is said to be ‘inclusive and accessible to all pupils.’
Finally, for older pupils, there is the all encompassing offering from Your Favourite Teacher (Stand C48 which is an online classroom aimed at GCSE with ‘a focus on pupil premium, alternative education and targeted intervention groups.’ Which would be a welcome resource if it does what it says on the tin. The content includes videos, podcasts and animations with interactive activities and quizzes.
Whatever your area of interest there is bound to be something at Bett that’s useful. The challenge is in tracking it down.