Ben Annett is the Specialist Advisor for Assistive Technology and Inclusion at Tower Hamlets. He works with any child with special educational needs or disabilities (SEND), regardless of what their particular challenges are, in any of the borough’s schools. Sometimes he also works with those who are yet to start school, are learning out of school, or who attends schools in other boroughs.
He provides three main types of support:
- Advice and assessment about what technologies – hardware, software, specialist devices, mobiles, online resources or Assistive Technology peripherals – might be useful in helping learners to access the curriculum,
- Training, in school and out, for any staff who use computers, or any devices, with children with SEND,
- Curriculum support and development – taking any aspect of the curriculum in any phase and working with teachers to find ways to use ICT to make it more accessible.
The service he provides is free to Tower Hamlets schools.
Afternoon Hilary
I have been asked to assess a child with acquired brain injury, you have already done a report on him.
Please can we have a chat about your involvement – on going, before I reinvent the wheel so to speak.
Helen Simon